Mastering Soft Skills Course

Enhance your professional toolkit with our Soft Skills course, providing you with the abilities that top employers seek in today's competitive job market.

Daily Live Classes

Duration - 2 Months

Interview Cracking

Completion Certificate

Mastering Soft Skills Course

Enhance your professional skills with our Soft Skills course, providing you with the abilities that top employers are seeking.

Daily Live Classes

Interview Cracking

Duration - 2 Months

Completion Certificate

Contents of Mastering Soft Skills Course

Module 1: Intro to Communication Skills

Understanding the importance of effective communication; the communication process.

Types of communication; barriers to effective communication.

Module 2: Conversational Skills

Initiating and ending conversations; small talk and icebreakers; active listening.

Asking open-ended questions; active listening; participating in group discussions.

Module 3: Fluency and Flow

Reducing hesitation and fillers; Sentence structure and flow; Speed and clarity in speech.

Pausing for emphasis; Practicing natural speech patterns.

Module 4: Nonverbal Communication

Body language and gestures; Facial expressions.

Eye contact; Paralanguage (tone, pitch, and pace)

Module 5: Written Communication

The importance of written communication; Clarity and conciseness in writing.

Email etiquette; Professional reports and documentation.

Module 6: Assessing & Improving Comm.

Self-assessment and reflection; Setting communication goals; Continuous improvement strategies.

Seeking feedback and self-correction; Developing a personalized communication plan.

Module 7: Public Speaking and Presentation Skills

Overcoming public speaking anxiety; Structuring your presentation.

Using visual aids; Engaging your audience; Handling questions and feedback.

Module 8: Introduction to Interviewing

The importance of interview skills; Types of interviews (job, internships, etc.)

Interview preparation checklist; Understanding the interviewer's perspective; Common interview mistakes to avoid

Module 9: Pre-Interview Preparation

Researching the company or institution; Crafting your elevator pitch(jam); Dressing for success.

Gathering necessary documentation (resume, portfolio, certificates); Mock interview practice.

Module 10: Technical and Job-Specific Questions

Preparing for technical questions; Discussing your qualifications and experience; Industry-specific questions.

Problem-solving and case questions; Handling questions about weaknesses.

Module 11: Communication and Presentation Skills

Verbal and nonverbal communication; Active listening; Articulating your ideas clearly.

Handling nervousness and anxiety; Practicing effective handshakes and eye contact.

Module 12: Spoken English in the Digital Age

Social media and online conversations; Video conferencing and virtual meetings.

Netiquette and online communication skills; Public speaking in a digital world.